UNC and Nvidia collaborate on ‘pinlight display’ augmented reality breakthrough
One of the hallmarks of science fiction movies — one way they demonstrate that they take place “in the future” is by using augmented reality (AR) interfaces. Minority Report is the classic trope illustration for this idea, but it’s scarcely alone — movies like Iron Man 3 show Tony Stark artfully rotating complex diagrams and creating armor schematics with a few twists of his hands and artful zoom motions. Real life AR setups have lagged behind substantially, despite the best efforts of Google and others. Now a team from the University of North Carolina, led by Andrew Maimone and working in collaboration with Nvidia, thinks it’s found solutions to some of the more pressing problems with current AR technologies. At present, cost, weight, and battery life have restricted AR devices to small screens with an FOV (field of vision) of perhaps 40 degrees. The problem with a technology like Google Glass, assuming you want to use it for AR, is that the tiny LCD in one corner of your vision is terrible for accurately representing objects. If you want to see something you can manipulate, you want to see it across both eyes in with a wide enough angle that it looks natural, not squashed.
What Nvidia and the UNC team
have created is a pair of glasses that eschew complicated optics for a
simpler solution. By placing transparent point light sources capable of
projecting light directly into the eye at minimal distance from the
pupil, the rays of light that make up the display can be fired directly
into the eye. One point light isn’t large enough to create a visible
field, but a hexagonally tiled group of point lights can be effectively
used to create a superimposed visual image, as is shown above. The
researchers call this a pinlight display.
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